What Do We Need To Know To Be A Perfect Host?

What Do We Need To Know To Be A Perfect Host?
What Do We Need To Know To Be A Perfect Host?

If you remember, I had introduced you to some tricks on what you need to know to make it easier for you in the kitchen. In this article I will introduce you to more tricks and secrets to be perfect in the kitchen.

So, let's start with foil baking first. It is an alternative method of steaming. It is also a very healthy way of cooking. Most vegetables and fish are suitable for foil baking.

If you decide to cook under foil, it is good to know that you need to close the tray in which you will bake with foil, so that the natural juices that are released from vegetables or fish remain inside and not evaporate.

To achieve a good taste of a dish, it is good to bake homemade spices. Suitable for this purpose are savory, basil, rosemary, bay leaf, oregano and others.

Take a pan and heat it to a medium temperature, put the selected spice inside and stir until you feel a strong aroma, but be careful not to burn. When it is ready, pour it into a mortar and crush it. It is desirable to use the spice within 24 hours, because so processed, it will quickly lose its aroma.

I guess each of us has long wondered what wine to serve with the dish he prepared. It even happened to me that I forgot about alcohol, because I wanted the dish to be perfectly prepared. Now I will share with you which dishes go white and which red wine.

What do we need to know to be a perfect host?
What do we need to know to be a perfect host?

Mussels, crabs, fish, chicken with rice, roasted birds, beef breasts, stuffed tomatoes, etc. go to the white. It is inappropriate to serve salads and desserts with chocolate with white wine. With red wine you can serve lamb chops, beef and veal dishes, potatoes, cheese, cheese and more.

It is inappropriate to serve appetizers and salads seasoned with vinegar or vinaigrette, pasta, goat cheese and others. If wine is not your drink, you can serve the dishes with brandy or beer. I guess you know which dishes go with these drinks, but I will still share them with you.

With brandy you can serve appetizers with meat, vegetable salads, potatoes, carrots and more. And all kinds of bites, french fries go with the beer.
