Proven! An English Breakfast Cures A Hangover

Proven! An English Breakfast Cures A Hangover
Proven! An English Breakfast Cures A Hangover

English breakfast, this delicious tradition, preserved for millennia, turns out to be quite useful. It is not only the preferred remedy for hangovers, but also the fastest acting.

This conclusion was reached by scientists in Britain. At the request of Lion egg producers, they conducted a survey in which 2,000 people took part. The results show that 38% of them recover from a severe hangover in less than three hours with the help of English breakfast. The study explains that the reason for this is the eggs in the popular breakfast.

The traditional full English breakfast today includes bacon, poached or fried eggs, fried tomatoes and mushrooms, fried slices of bread or toasted, buttered. All this is accompanied by a cup of aromatic tea.

The study proves that other methods of dealing with the problem are much less effective. For example, only 19% of respondents rely on painkillers. Only three percent are willing to indulge in a full day of bed rest to cope with the effects of alcohol.

English breakfast
English breakfast

The fast and fast effect of English breakfast scientists attribute the eggs in its composition. This is due to the high levels of the amino acid cysteine contained in them. It counteracts the toxic effects of acetaldehyde - a chemical that brings terrible headaches, nausea and all the other unpleasant sensations of overdoing it with a cup.

In addition, delicious eggs are rich in high-quality proteins and vitamins B and D. They also help against hangovers and are able to lift the heavy head of even the biggest drinkers.

English breakfast
English breakfast

Eating well after a hard night is definitely one of the best ways to deal with the effects of alcohol. An empty stomach enhances the hangover effect. And vice versa - a full stomach crosses the headache and makes us feel better.
