This Is The Only Sure Way To Lose Weight

This Is The Only Sure Way To Lose Weight
This Is The Only Sure Way To Lose Weight

There are dozens of different seasonal and unloading diets. Some diets are balanced - they include all the basic foods in the recommended amount, but in generally reduced doses. Other diets recommend a drastic reduction in carbohydrate intake. Others even include alcohol in their diet.

The cause of overweight is the excessive accumulation of fat in the body and its deposition in the subcutaneous tissue and other tissues and organs. This is based on metabolic disorders, when the processes of fat formation predominate over the processes of its decomposition.

First, determine your daily caloric intake (there are many calorie calculators on the Internet).

You want to lose weight - eat 200-400 calories less, once a week you can stay hungry. No more and no more often, this is important.

Light weight loss exercises
Light weight loss exercises

If you want to stay in good shape - do not exceed the daily ration.

Weight problems are caused by a number of factors. A person is nervous and starts eating a lot - or vice versa. Develop your will and you will be able to bypass the refrigerator.

Add team exercises and challenges to the healthy summer menu with easy exercises to speed up your metabolism.

You should avoid sweets, flour, potato dishes, bread, rice, fruits, juices, vegetables, which contain a lot of carbohydrates. Do not sweeten anything, as sugar is not allowed.

Another thing you need to understand - losing weight, you can not return to previous eating and bad habits. If you choose any type of diet, you must follow it constantly.

I present to you two diets that have been widely written about lately and have become quite popular. that's why summer weight loss methods enjoy great attention - for the most part among those who forget to take care of themselves throughout the year.

Summer diet - Option 1

A sure way to lose weight
A sure way to lose weight

Breakfast - 2 fried eggs with a drop of olive oil or coconut oil, green tea, 1 grapefruit;

Lunch - 2 boiled eggs, vegetable salad;

Snack - natural yogurt with berries;

Dinner - stewed chicken breast with asparagus and carrots.

Summer diet - Option 2

Breakfast - alternating cereals (100 g) of buckwheat, oatmeal and rice, soaked for 12 hours and cooked for 15 minutes, plus green tea and 100 g of any fruit;

Weight loss
Weight loss

Lunch - baked fish with lettuce, tea;

Snack - natural fruit and strawberry yogurt;

Dinner - You can alternate days with the use of fruit or vegetable salads with sour cream or sour cream (1 tablespoon), casserole or vegetable stew with meat. It is necessary to drink a glass of kefir.

It is clear that weight loss with dietsthat contain a bunch of restrictions, this is not possible. Therefore, evaluate the strength of will, your desires, your attitude to your health and then you will come to the right decision.
