Eat Only 8 Hours A Day To Lose Weight

Eat Only 8 Hours A Day To Lose Weight
Eat Only 8 Hours A Day To Lose Weight

The holidays are already on our doorstep and this, in addition to fun and pleasant moments with loved ones, means frequent standing at the table, which of course will lead to extra pounds. Instead of looking at all the goodies and trying to make sure you don't eat, try eating within eight hours of the day.

According to experts, this will bring you the necessary success and not only will you not upload, but you will also remove a few unnecessary rings that have been bothering you for a long time. According to research, limiting the amount of time you eat will also reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes.

Scientists say it doesn't matter if you eat sweet or fatty foods during these hours. When you build a diet, the body begins to predict when it will consume nutrients.

Scientists are convinced that this will make everyone's body much better prepared to burn calories. To conduct their study, rodents were used, which were divided into two groups.


One group was given foods that were high in fat throughout the day, and the other was given only eight hours a day (between 9 and 17 hours). The results showed that the rodents that had a diet were not only weaker than the other mice, but also healthier.

Scientists explain that it is important to follow a certain regimen, because in this way the systems in the body are synchronized and prepared for food intake. In addition, if you eat at certain times, your metabolism will improve significantly. The study was conducted by scientists from the Salk Institute, California, and its data were published in the journal Cell Metabolism.

During the holidays, everyone relaxes to eat more - and how else, as there are so many delicious dishes on the table. However, scientists remind us that when we gain weight, there are other factors that affect us, in addition to what time we eat.

These are sleep deprivation, eating on foot and others. According to a US study, air conditioners are also to blame for being overweight - the most obese Americans are in the southern states, where nearly 70 percent of homes have air conditioning.
