This Should Be The Only Way To Sell Bananas

This Should Be The Only Way To Sell Bananas
This Should Be The Only Way To Sell Bananas

The familiar situation that always happens with bananas. If you buy a bunch of ripe bananas, the latter will overripe and rot until you reach it. If you choose green bananas, you have to wait to eat them - and once they are ready to eat, the latter will despise again until it's his turn.

This situation may not be a problem - at least if you live in Korea. The Korean grocery chain E-Mart has started selling packages of six bananas, each at a different stage of maturity. On the left, the first banana can be eaten on the day of purchase, and the last banana, on the right, will ripen in a few days. E-Mart has named its innovation haru hana banana or One banana for each day. Ingenious idea, isn't it?

The package with bananas has a very nice yellow-green color flowing from left to right, which ensures that one will always have a ripe banana on hand.


The first banana in the package is fully ripe and ready to eat immediately, and the next is slightly unripe, but will probably be ready to eat the next morning.

All the way from left to right, the last banana is bright green and should never be eaten in this form. But as long as 5 days have passed and you eat one of the other bananas every day, the latter will reach the required degree of ripeness and will be perfect for consumption.

Overripe banana
Overripe banana

The E-Mart package One banana for each day is only available in Korea, but it will be easy for everyone to choose their own six different in color and degree of ripeness bananas. Just choose them carefully until you achieve your own yellow-green rainbow. That way, you won't even need such a plastic container, which is a breath of fresh air for the environment.

And whether the sellers in the store will get angry if we start buying them this way remains to be seen.
