Nutrition And Nutritional Supplements For Future Fathers

Nutrition And Nutritional Supplements For Future Fathers
Nutrition And Nutritional Supplements For Future Fathers

In order for the couple not to have problems with conception, but also for the future baby to be born healthy and strong, it is important not only for the woman to eat a varied and healthy diet, but also for the man. Here are some of the nutritional products and supplements that must be present in the menu of a future father.

- vegetables - carrots, peppers, radishes, beets, potatoes, etc.;

- leafy vegetables - cabbage, kale, spinach, dock, sorrel, Brussels sprouts;

- fruits - pears, bananas, pineapple, grapefruit, grapes;

- cereals - brown rice, einkorn, bulgur, corn, beans;

- seeds - flaxseed;

- spices - parsley, garlic, ginger, olive oil;

- meat - beef, turkey, goose meat;

Food additives
Food additives

In the meantime, it would be useful for men who want to increase their fertility to take supplements with vitamin C, vitamin E, zinc, magnesium, iron, selenium.

With regard to nutrition, future fathers must also keep in mind some prohibitions. It is recommended to eat light meals several times a day without overdoing it with fatty meats, bread, salt.

It is good, at least at this stage of your life, to stop consuming semi-finished products, fast food and foods rich in trans fats. Be careful with the use of alcohol and coffee. If you are a strong-willed person, it is best to stop them, as they have been shown to interfere with conception.

To achieve the desired results, you can also look for herbs that help male fertility. Ask at the pharmacy for ginseng, astragalus and sarsaparilla.

Take care of the quality of your semen through sports. Start exercising or walking more often. Also pay attention to your underwear. Keep in mind that tight and tight boxers raise the temperature in the groin, which has an adverse effect on sperm. Choose looser underwear as well as clothes.

If you have a habit of carrying your mobile phone in the front pockets of your pants, move it somewhere else. Studies in this area have shown that radiation from these devices deforms sperm. Refuse to work with a laptop on your knees, as there is also a suspicion that such a practice can cause infertility.
