Nutrition And Nutritional Supplements For Sore Breasts

Nutrition And Nutritional Supplements For Sore Breasts
Nutrition And Nutritional Supplements For Sore Breasts

The painful sensation in the chest very often appears before the menstrual cycle. Fortunately, there are ways to control pain, and they are not complicated at all. It is enough to start eating healthier and taking certain dietary supplements.

Since the painful sensation is due to fluctuations in hormones before menstruation, we need to find foods that will contribute to our hormonal balance. These foods include soy and all soy products. Use soy milk as a substitute for classic milk.

Eat tofu instead of cheese. When you feel like eating something sweet, treat yourself to soy creams. Reduce the amount of sausages and replace them with soy bites, meatballs or sausages. Of course, you should not overdo it with soy and soy products, because overuse is not very useful.

Include more fruits, vegetables and grains in your menu. Eat cabbage, kale, pears, corn, avocado, flaxseed, chickpeas, almonds, walnuts, lentils, beans. If you still eat food of animal origin, allow yourself fish, and especially fatter (such as salmon and trout). Season your food with spices such as turmeric, mint, garlic, ginger, fenugreek.

If you love tea, you can alleviate the pain by taking a decoction of dandelion root. Pour a bag of tea with 200 ml of boiling water. Wait for the mixture to cool and drink it in small sips. Drink tea before meals, twice a day.

Soy products
Soy products

Take control of the situation with the help of food supplements. Look for ones that are rich in vitamin E, vitamin B6, omega-3 fatty acids.

To make the effect faster, say goodbye to your bad habits. If you are a passionate lover of coffee, cigarettes and alcohol, reduce their use or stop it altogether.

At the same time, drink more water and fluids and exercise more. Also pay attention to your underwear. Look for a sports or medical bra and avoid wearing ones that press on your breasts.
