Is Lectin The New Gluten?

Is Lectin The New Gluten?
Is Lectin The New Gluten?

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No fat, no sugar, no lactose, no gluten - what's left to eat anyway? Lectin is now in vogue, which can lead to food intolerances that you need to be aware of. Whether it poses dangers, even if taken through healthy foods, and whether it causes disease and weight gain, these questions are answered by nutritionist and nutritionist Sarah Greenfield.

What is lectin?

Lectins are plant proteins. In general, when you take lectins, they make it difficult to digest without being affected by enzymes and bind to sugar molecules. These molecules can attach to cells in the intestinal mucosa, creating small depots that potentially create an immune response and inhibit digestion.

Some people have a similar inflammatory response with gluten, but with a slightly different physiological process.

Lectins are most commonly found in legumes and grains, but are also found in many plants such as tomatoes, eggplants and peppers - especially their seeds and skins. Beans, nuts, seeds, grains, casein A1 milk and corn also contain lectins.

All organs in the body work hard to control acute inflammation and keep the body clean. However, we are genetically different and the way our bodies react to food varies. Foods that mislead the immune response or contribute to chronic inflammation affect the body when consumed systematically every day. That is why a varied diet can be a powerful tool for improving health.


If you feel lethargic, bloated, irritable, or have other digestive symptoms, you may need to review your diet more closely. You may be allergic to lectin and should consider food sensitivity testing to see if lectin-rich foods are bothering you.

If you find lectin sensitivity, there are a few things you can do. Preparing food in a pressure cooker can reduce the level of lectins. You can also choose foods that have less lectins such as sweet potatoes, yucca, dark leafy vegetables, dill, broccoli, cauliflower, avocado, raw olive oil, millet.


There are no clear answers when it comes to what to eat. We are all genetically different and the way each person reacts to a certain type of food is different.
