Lectin - Everything We Need To Know

Lectin - Everything We Need To Know
Lectin - Everything We Need To Know

Lectins are a type of protein that is found in all forms of life, including the food you eat. In small amounts, they can provide several health benefits. However, larger amounts can reduce your body's ability to absorb nutrients.

Lectins are a diverse family of carbohydrate-binding proteins found in all plants and animals. While animal lectins play different roles in normal physiological functions, the role of plant lectins is less clear. However, they appear to be involved in protecting plants against insects and grazing animals.

Some plant lectins are even toxic and can be deadly. Although almost all foods contain some lectins, only about 30% of the foods normally consumed contain significant amounts. Legumes, including beans, soybeans and peanuts, host the most plant lectins, followed by cereals and some other plants.

Lectins are also a proteinwhich can be associated with sugar. They are sometimes called antinutrients. Animal studies show that some lectins may reduce the body's ability to absorb nutrients. Lectins are thought to have evolved as a natural defense in plants, essentially as a toxin that prevents animals from eating them.

foods with lectin
foods with lectin

People are not able to absorb lectins, so they pass through the digestive system unchanged. Their way of working remains a mystery, although animal studies show that some types of lectins bind to cells in the intestinal wall. This allows them to communicate with the cells, eliciting a response.

Animal lectins play an important role in several bodily processes, including immune function and cell growth. Studies show that plant lectins may even play a role in cancer therapy.

Eating large amounts set types of lectins however, it can damage the intestinal wall. This causes irritation, which can lead to symptoms such as diarrhea and vomiting. It can also prevent the intestines from absorbing nutrients properly.

As already mentioned, the highest concentrations of lectins are found in healthy foods such as legumes and cereals. Fortunately, there are several ways to reduce the lectin content of these healthy foods to make them safe to eat.

Studies show that by cooking, germinating or fermenting, you can easily reduce the lectin content to insignificant amounts.
