Health Benefits And Harms Of Nutmeg

Health Benefits And Harms Of Nutmeg
Health Benefits And Harms Of Nutmeg

Nutmeg is extracted from an evergreen tree that came from the lands of the Banda Islands and the Moluccas. The peoples living in these lands do not pay much attention to the spice.

It gained popularity after the Arabs discovered its culinary advantages. It quickly became a favorite spice and became widespread in Arabic cuisine. It was gradually transferred to Europe. Today, huge nutmeg plantations can be found on the island of Mauritius.

The plant is added to medicinal cough syrups. Nutmeg, as well as its oil, treat diseases of the nervous and digestive systems. Nutmeg essential oil mixed in drops with honey cures digestive disorders as well as bad breath.

The oil is also applied externally, against rheumatic and toothache. It is also used for soothing massages. Nutmeg also cures diseases such as chronic diarrhea, upset stomach, gastroenteritis, nausea. It also stimulates the production of the hormone of happiness - serotonin.

As with any good thing, you have to be careful with the nutmeg. Small doses of it are not only useful but also recommended.

Health benefits and harms of nutmeg
Health benefits and harms of nutmeg

High doses, above 10 g, can lead to mild to severe hallucinogenic effects. An overdose of the spice causes vision and a pleasant feeling, as the effect is compared to the use of marijuana.

Depending on the doses taken, hallucinations and anesthesia may last up to 24 hours after a climax, which occurs about 12 hours after ingestion.

Along with hallucinations, all kinds of symptoms can appear, such as nausea, dehydration, body pain. They last about 36 hours after ingestion.

In the past, nutmeg in high doses has terminated unwanted pregnancies. Regular and excessive use of the spice causes permanent damage to the liver.

Administered intravenously, it acts as a strong poison. Overdoses ingested at once lead to palpitations, convulsions and even death.
