Benefits And Harms Of Popcorn

Benefits And Harms Of Popcorn
Benefits And Harms Of Popcorn

There is almost no person who does not associate the pleasant time spent in the cinema or in front of the TV with popcorn. The delicious corn snack is the perfect end to the pleasure of free time devoted to your favorite activity.

However, many nutritionists warn of the harm of this habit. There is even a dangerous disease caused by regular consumption of popcorn. This is Bronchiolitis obliterans, popularly called popcorn disease in the microwave.

The essence of this rare disease is expressed in severe pain that occurs when exhaling deeply inhaled air. Diacetyl, a substance used to enhance the taste of popcorn, causes the disease. It is also added to other products such as chips, pastries and beer.

Microwave popcorn
Microwave popcorn

Furthermore popcorn is high in calories. They contain a lot of carbohydrates and fats. The salt content in just one small packet exhausts the body's need for the whole day. Exceeding the permissible doses of salt through the consumption of popcorn leads to various health problems, the most serious of which are heart.

However, one does not have to completely deprive oneself of this activity if one loves it. Along with the harmful effects, Popcorn also has a lot of benefits. They are a good choice for a diet because of the fiber they contain. They support digestive processes and control blood sugar.

Potassium, magnesium and polyphenols have antioxidant effects. In one serving of homemade popcorn antioxidants are twice as much as in some citrus fruits. Magnesium prevents thinning of the bones and protects against osteoporosis. Vitamin C in the product is in excellent quantities.

It turns out that on their own Popcorn is a useful product.

What makes them harmful and under what conditions?

Homemade popcorn
Homemade popcorn

They are only harmful popcorn for the microwave, in which harmful ingredients are added, are prepared with a lot of salt and fat. However, we can prepare our favorite corn food healthily at home.

You need to buy popcorn, also called popcorn. The grains are crushed and left to dry. They can then be cracked in a saucepan on the stove or in the microwave, and then some spices can be added to taste.
