Culinary Tricks For Preparing A Fragile Liver

Culinary Tricks For Preparing A Fragile Liver
Culinary Tricks For Preparing A Fragile Liver

There are few lovers of meat and meat delicacies who do not like warm and fragrant liver. At the same time, there are many who have not yet figured out how to prepare it so that it is tender and juicy. That is why here we will reveal the secret of the fragile liver, so that every time you can make happy not only yourself but also your loved ones:

1. Always wash the liver under running water, but without soaking it in it;

2. The liver becomes tastiest if you put it in fresh milk for a few hours;

3. Another option is to soak the liver in oil or water to which you have added 1 tbsp. including vinegar. However, if you have tried the method with vinegar and water, you should allow the meat to drain very well. It is even advisable to dry it;

4. In many recipes for the preparation of a fragile liver, it is recommended to pre-sprinkle it with baking soda. However, this hides some risks, because if you overdo the amount of soda, the liver will acquire an unpleasant odor. Always add a little baking soda, let the liver stand for about 1 hour and then wash it very well with water to remove the taste of soda;

5. Never put salt on the liver beforehand. It is placed only when the liver has undergone its culinary processing, whether fried, baked or stewed;

6. Delicious liver is made when you stew it over low heat in wine. You can also add any other vegetables such as onions, garlic, carrots, peppers and more.

Liver with bacon
Liver with bacon

7. If you fry the liver, it is good after you have soaked it in fresh milk or you have followed some of the other tricks, dry it well and roll it in flour. However, always make sure that the fat in which you are going to fry it is very hot;

8. If you are frying the liver, do not check if it is ready by stabbing it with a fork, as this will drain its juice. Try turning it over with wooden spatulas;

9. Always suffocate the liver with the lid tightly closed;

10. If you decide to roast the liver, do not water it with cold water during its heat treatment, because it will become hard and dry. You can do it with hot broth, but without salt.
