This Way You Will Not Overeat - Useful Tips For Gourmands

This Way You Will Not Overeat - Useful Tips For Gourmands
This Way You Will Not Overeat - Useful Tips For Gourmands

When we are full, the stomach signals to our brain that we are full. It takes about 20 minutes to transmit this signal. During these 20 minutes we most often continue to eat and get to the point that we feel overfed.

Not only is it not pleasant to feel, overeating is also extremely harmful to our body. We often hear advice to stop eatingwhen we are still slightly hungry, but this is also not helpful and we will certainly be hungry again soon. Instead, there are a number of other tips to help you control your portions without staying hungry.

Eat slowly and don't forget to chew

Many people eat too fast and hardly chew food. For example, people who have a very busy job or students. This usually comes from the frequent lack of time and eating breakfast "by foot". However, it should not become a habit!

slow chewing
slow chewing

If you eat more slowly and in smaller bites, you will not only give your stomach enough time to gradually digest the food, but you will also be able to feel when it is full. One of the signals that you will only notice if you eat slowly and think about the food is that it actually changes its taste slightly. Therefore, when you are full, it is no longer so delicious.

Drink water before meals

Drink at least one glass of water before meals so that it can fill part of your stomach. This will make you feel full before you eat too much food. It would be even better if you drank two glasses of water before a meal. It will also improve digestion.

Use smaller plates

When serving a portion of food, size matters. Put the same amount of food in a large plate as in a small one. When you look at the big one, you have the feeling that the food in it is small because it does not fill the whole plate.

smaller plates help against overeating
smaller plates help against overeating

However, when you look at the little one, she seems to have a lot of food in her because she is full. This optical illusion makes people eat more when they use large plates, so stick to smaller ones. But also be careful not to use too small plates. If you are hungry, then you need to make your portion either bigger or more filling.

Eat more than one type of dish

Avoid eating only one type of food. For example, if your dinner is spaghetti, garnish with some kind of salad or a healthy dessert. Here again it is a question of illusion. Will be you feel like you are eating more foodif you put two smaller but different dishes. Whereas, if it's just one, even if it's bigger, you may be left with the feeling that you still feel like eating, even keep your stomach full.
