Grandma's Rules For Delicious Soups And Soups With Stuffing And Building

Grandma's Rules For Delicious Soups And Soups With Stuffing And Building
Grandma's Rules For Delicious Soups And Soups With Stuffing And Building

Soups and broths are prepared from a variety of products: meat, poultry, vegetables, fish, legumes, pasta and fruits.

Soups and broths are divided into two groups: with stuffing and with building.

Some of the lean and local soups are made with stuffing, such as: bean soup, lentil soup, cabbage soup, lamb and beef soup.

Chicken soups, soups with minced meat, etc. belong to the soups with construction.

Soup with building
Soup with building

Good quality soups are made when the soup is prepared with broth. For vegetable soups, the decoction is used, in which the vegetables themselves are boiled the soup is being prepared. Bone and meat broth is used for meat soups. For fish soups, the broth in which the fish themselves are cooked is used.

Soups, broths and broths are served hot only. Cold soups kill the appetite and do not contribute to the good absorption of food by the body. Soups should also have a good, aesthetic appearance and pleasant taste.

The perfect building for soup

The construction of the soups is being prepared from eggs / preferably only from the yolks /, yogurt and flour. The method of preparation is as follows: in a saucepan with a round bottom, break the eggs, add the flour and beat well with a wire for beating eggs. Add the yoghurt and beat again, so that the building does not remain lumpy. Then put on the fire and stir constantly until it boils, during which time dilute with some of the broth of the soup.

A little lemon juice or vinegar is added to the building thus prepared. If the technological instructions for preparation are not followed exactly, the construction is crossed. In order not to cross, the soup is removed from the heat, cooled and then the finished building is gradually added. After adding the finished building, a glass of cold water is added to the soup.

Suitable spices for soups

It is important to know which soups and what spices are suitable.

Lamb soups are seasoned with mint, devesil, parsley, dill and black pepper.

Bean soup with stuffing
Bean soup with stuffing

Beef and beef soups are seasoned with parsley and black pepper, old bean soup with mint, lentil soup with savory, poultry soups with parsley and black pepper.

Soup stuffing

The preparation of the stuffing of the soups it is also important to cook it properly, as the onion is finely chopped and lightly fried in fat. Add the finely chopped red tomatoes or tomato paste, continuing to fry until the water evaporates, then add the flour and fry until light golden. Add the red pepper, fry a little more and pour the decoction of vegetables, meat or beans. The porridge is added to the soup after it boils on the fire.
