Why Mom And Grandma's Dishes Are The Most Delicious According To Scientists

Why Mom And Grandma's Dishes Are The Most Delicious According To Scientists
Why Mom And Grandma's Dishes Are The Most Delicious According To Scientists

There is hardly a person who does not agree with the statement that the dishes prepared by mom and grandma are the most delicious. However, not everyone can explain the exact reason for this. However, scientists from Britain have managed to solve the mystery. According to them, homemade dishes are the most delicious because they are prepared with patience, attention and love.

To reach these conclusions, the researchers conducted a tasty study with gourmets from two groups. The participants took part in a kind of Christmas dinner. The dishes (see the gallery) were the same for both groups, but they were served in a different atmosphere.

In one group, they were served in a festive atmosphere, and participants were informed that the dishes were prepared by culinary virtuosos according to tried and tested family recipes. The second group received exactly the same food, but the atmosphere around them was mediocre and no one bothered to explain to them who prepared their menu, writes the Daily Mail.

After a feast, participants in the experiment were asked to comment on the food they ate. Thus, scientists have found that the first group finds their table tastier than the second. Its participants gave a score of 4.3 on a five-point scale. For the others, the score was only 3.4, although the dishes of both groups were the same.
