10 Ways To Be Vegan

10 Ways To Be Vegan
10 Ways To Be Vegan

There are different ways to practice veganism. They are due to how different people choose to observe it, according to their personal feelings and abilities.

There are also very strict vegans and there are not so strict ones. It all depends on the inner attitude and acceptance of veganism - as part of life or as a whole way of life!

Here are the 10 most distinctive types of Vegans:

1. Diet Vegan

No meat, dairy or eggs. In this form, veganism is practiced only in the form of a diet, without affecting whether a person will wear clothes of animal origin or other such products.

10 ways to be vegan
10 ways to be vegan

2. Ethical Vegan

Without meat, dairy products and eggs. In this case, the use of animal-based products such as leather is avoided.

3. Green Vegan

This guy shares the same lifestyle as the ethical vegan, but with a different design. Green vegans avoid animal products because of the impact of the farms and factories that produce and package them on the environment and the cruel treatment of animals.

4. Raw Vegan

Strict plant-based diet with food that has not undergone heat treatment above 40-46 degrees.

10 ways to be vegan
10 ways to be vegan

5. Vegan Vegetables

No meat, dairy products, eggs. Mostly plant food. The difference between plant vegan and other types is that it sticks to the origin of the food. The healthiest food is plant food and therefore emphasizes it.

6. Vegan until 6 p.m

In this type, a strict vegan diet is practiced until before 18:00 in the afternoon, and then he can consume everything he wants (but of course in moderation).

10 ways to be vegan
10 ways to be vegan

7. Paris Vegan

Consume vegan food daily, but when eating out or with friends / family, indulge in vegetarian cuisine.

8. Weekday or weekend Vegan

Specific days are chosen - weekdays or weekends, in which meat, dairy products and eggs are avoided.

9. Practical Vegan

Strictly observes all the details of Veganism and stands out from other characters with its perseverance!

10. Vegan Traveler

A vegan on the road or more precisely a vegan tourist eats vegan food every day, but experiments with local cuisine (with meat) when on the road!
