Ways To Paint Eggs

Ways To Paint Eggs
Ways To Paint Eggs

Easter is one of the oldest and most important Christian holidays, a holiday of death and the return to life of Jesus Christ. The Easter holidays include Holy Thursday - the Last Supper, Good Friday - the day Jesus was crucified and Easter - the day Jesus is resurrected and returns to life.

It is a tradition for Easter to paint eggs and bake Easter cake. There is hardly a Bulgarian table at which they do not attend this bright holiday. The eggs are painted either on Holy Thursday or on Saturday, when the Resurrection of Christ is, and the first painted egg must be red. It is used to lubricate the foreheads of the children in the house for health.

For most of us, painting eggs is a "little holiday," and the funniest part is that there are so many ways to do it. Here are some suggestions on how to look or get an appointment for Easter eggs.

Eggs are painted with a special egg paint, but this can also be done with natural products. For this, let us give you one such suggestion.

To do this, before you start cooking your eggs, prepare old onion flakes, one or two women's socks (depending on how many eggs you want to paint this method) and a few strings. Wrap each egg with the onion flakes and place it carefully in the sock.

Then tie the sock with a string, tightly next to the packed egg so that the onion flakes cannot move. Do the same with the other eggs.

Once you have finished packing, put the eggs in a saucepan and boil them as usual for ten minutes. After boiling the eggs, take them out to cool and unpack carefully. The result is unique.

Another way to get spectacular and colorful eggs is with cotton and paint. After boiling the eggs, wrap them well in cotton and start soaking the cotton with different colors of egg dye. Let the eggs stand for 15-20 minutes and then unpack them. The result is colorful Easter eggs.

Go out into the yard or the nearby garden and collect petals of different shapes and sizes. Cut several different pieces of fabric to the size that an egg can be wrapped. After you have boiled the eggs, take a few of them and moisten them so that you can stick the petals you have collected on them.

Wrap them in pre-cut pieces of fabric and tie them with string. Dip the packaged eggs in the prepared egg paint and wait a few minutes. Then remove the eggs and allow to drain the paint. Unpack and you will have painted eggs, on which it is as if you have painted the petals precisely.

When to paint eggs

As already mentioned, eggs are painted on the Thursday or Saturday before Easter.
