The Ten Tea Bans

The Ten Tea Bans
The Ten Tea Bans

In ancient China, where the tradition of drinking tea comes from, there were prohibitions on tea. They are ten in number and have been observed very strictly.

The first prohibition is to drink tea on an empty stomach. According to the Chinese, this was like a wolf invading a house. The second prohibition is to drink too hot tea.

Too hot tea irritates the throat, esophagus and stomach. Prolonged use of hot tea can even lead to disease changes in these organs.

The temperature of the tea should not exceed fifty-six degrees, otherwise it injures the walls of the stomach and causes various diseases.

The third ban applies to iced tea. Cold tea causes cooling of the whole body and damages tooth enamel. The fourth prohibition concerns the power of tea.

A cup of tea
A cup of tea

It should not be too strong, as the high content of theine can cause headaches and even insomnia. The fifth prohibition is to brew tea for a long time.

If the tea is brewed for a long time, its transparency disappears and it becomes dark and cloudy. This also leads to oxidation of the useful substances in it and changes its taste.

The sixth prohibition concerns the amount of infusions. After the third infusion, not many useful substances remain in the tea leaves. The seventh prohibition restricts drinking tea before meals.

The eighth prohibition excludes drinking tea while eating. This is a drink that should be drunk on its own. The ninth prohibition applies to drinking old tea.

After standing, brewed tea loses its valuable properties. Prohibition number ten is not to take drugs with tea, as the thein in it can destroy them.
