This Summer - Ice Cream Without Vanilla

This Summer - Ice Cream Without Vanilla
This Summer - Ice Cream Without Vanilla

Due to the limited amount of vanilla harvested this year and last, its price has jumped dramatically, and is currently the second most expensive spice in the world after saffron.

Madagascar is known as the largest producer and exporter of vanilla, but because the process of collecting and sorting it is extremely complex, lately the locals do not wait long enough before processing it, as a result of which its taste and aroma are much weaker, and this, in turn, further increases the price of quality vanilla.

If 5 years ago the price per kilogram of aromatic spice was about 14 pounds, now in some places it reaches 155 pounds.

According to research by a medium-sized ice cream company, the cost of vanilla alone will jump by an additional $ 5 million a year. The solutions in this case are three:

- companies will refuse to produce vanilla ice cream;


- will prefer artificial flavors, resembling vanilla in taste;

- The price of real vanilla ice cream will jump about 4 times higher than that of other types.
