Dietary Desserts With Pumpkin

Dietary Desserts With Pumpkin
Dietary Desserts With Pumpkin

With the help of pumpkin you can prepare dietary desserts that will not harm your figure. Pumpkin mekis are useful and tasty and easy to prepare.

They are ideal for breakfast and dinner. To prepare them you need three quarters of a cup of oatmeal, half a cup of yogurt, half a cup of pumpkin puree, one egg white, one tablespoon of honey, half a teaspoon of baking soda, one vanilla, a pinch of cinnamon.

Mix the pumpkin puree with the yoghurt, honey and flour. Let rest for twenty minutes. Add the egg whites, cinnamon, vanilla and baking soda. Mix very well.

Fry the mekis in a pan, lightly greased, until golden. Serve the prepared pumpkin mekis with fresh or yoghurt and honey or jam.

Pumpkin Fries
Pumpkin Fries

The cake with cottage cheese and pumpkin is a wonderful dietary dessert that melts in your mouth. Dessert is served both hot and completely cooled. In the filling you can optionally add another type of fruit puree instead of pumpkin puree.

To prepare a dessert with pumpkin and cottage cheese, you need one hundred grams of oatmeal or ground oatmeal, one hundred grams of cottage cheese, two tablespoons of milk, one protein, two tablespoons of honey, vanilla. For the filling: one hundred and fifty grams of pumpkin puree, two tablespoons of honey.


Mix the curd with the egg white and honey until a homogeneous mass is obtained. Then add the flour, and then all the necessary spices for dessert.

Knead the dough and cover. Leave it in the fridge for half an hour. Lay baking paper in a pan and spread the dough in a thin layer, forming a high edge.

Pour the pumpkin puree on top, to which you have added honey. Preheat the oven to one hundred and seventy degrees. Bake the dessert for about forty minutes.
