The Kale Hope Championship Kicks Off In The United States

The Kale Hope Championship Kicks Off In The United States
The Kale Hope Championship Kicks Off In The United States

A world kale competition will be held in Buffalo, New York, US media reported.

Traditionally, various racing meals are organized in Buffalo, in which huge quantities of chicken wings, hot dogs or other harmful foods are ingested.

This year, however, the focus of the competition has shifted. The green crunchy event will take place on July 9, and the contestant who ate the most curly cabbage will leave with a prize of $ 2,000.

For the first time since such competitions are organized, participants will have to face healthy food, say the organizers of the event.

Kale, also known as kale, is a leafy vegetable that is popular in Canada, the United States, Russia, China, Vietnam, Germany and others. It is not very well known in our country, although in recent years we can find it on the market more and more often.

It is an extremely valuable food because of its rich content of vitamin K, vitamin C, phosphorus, potassium, magnesium and other valuable substances.

Hope with kale
Hope with kale

The organizers of the racing meal announce that this year the finals will reach athletes from New Jersey and New York. Among them are melon champion Jim Reeves and buffet winner Crazy Legs Conti.
