Unhealthy Eating Has Killed 400,000 People A Year In The United States

Unhealthy Eating Has Killed 400,000 People A Year In The United States
Unhealthy Eating Has Killed 400,000 People A Year In The United States

Improper eating habits have killed nearly 400,000 people in the past year in the United States. According to a study by health authorities in America, unhealthy eating is the most common cause of cardiovascular disease.

The study was conducted by the American Health Association, and its findings say that Americans urgently need to include saltier and fatty foods in their diet with fresh fruits and vegetables.

This change will save tens of thousands of lives, said study leader Dr. Ashkan Afshin of the University of Washington.

Studies show that half of all heart disease in the United States is due to poor nutrition, and a change in diet is needed to avoid more serious health complications.

The researchers note that comparing data from the early 1990s with the latest statistics shows a serious increase in heart disease globally.

Fatty sausages with potatoes
Fatty sausages with potatoes

The Food Organization of the United Nations says obesity is the number one cause of this worrying trend. It is followed by other recently spread harmful habits such as smoking and lack of active physical activity.

In 2015, the death rate from heart disease was 222,100 men and 193,400 women in the United States.

Eating in large quantities and at long intervals during the day also does not have a beneficial effect on health. According to experts, this puts a strain on the digestive system and in the future can lead to various gastrointestinal problems.

If you load your stomach in this way, over time you can get pancreatitis, gastrointestinal duodenal ulcer and biliary diseases.
