With A Liter Of Beer A Day You Can Treat Chronic Pain Without Any Problems

With A Liter Of Beer A Day You Can Treat Chronic Pain Without Any Problems
With A Liter Of Beer A Day You Can Treat Chronic Pain Without Any Problems

Beer is one of the most useful drinks. A liter of beer completely replaces a painkiller.

Scientists are adamant - a liter of sparkling drink reduces the degree of pain by a quarter. They found that two mugs of beer had a stronger analgesic effect than any pill.

The study was conducted in Greenwich. The researchers analyzed 18 health studies. The results are more than interesting. It turns out that the pain begins to decrease with an increase in blood alcohol content by 0.08 percent.

However, if we overdo it, it will have no effect. The action of the exact dosage amount is very similar to that of codeine. And it's definitely a reason to throw away paracetamol from home remedies. In order not to be frightened by the pain, just always have at least a liter of beer on hand.


Alcohol in small doses proves to be an effective analgesic. A liter of beer relieves pain by up to a quarter. Studies have shown that beer consumption leads to clinically relevant reductions in pain intensity. This may partly explain why people suffering from chronic pain often abuse alcohol.

Despite the evidence of the beneficial effect of beer, experts warn not to abuse. It is contraindicated to combine alcohol and pills. Such a combination, as well as the long-term combination of large amounts of alcohol, have a detrimental effect on the body.

Beer consumption has always been exalted. In particular, she actively fights painful menstruation. Its consumption is proven

relaxes muscles and relieves menstrual pain. Today it turns out that except for women, it can cure pain of any type in all people. And even if nothing hurts - there is nothing better than a mug of iced beer on hot summer days.
