Eight Foods That Strengthen Your Brain

Eight Foods That Strengthen Your Brain
Eight Foods That Strengthen Your Brain

1. Oily fish - salmon, trout, mackerel, sardines

Benefits: They are a rich source of omega-3 fatty acids and especially DHA docosahexaenoic acid, which supports brain function, improves attention and can protect you from dementia.

How much to eat: One serving per week.

How to choose and cook them: Choose wild salmon and smaller sardines, as they are less likely to be contaminated with heavy metals such as mercury. Grill or bake in the oven - many options of your choice.

2 eggs

Benefits: The yolk is rich in choline, which is important for the development of the brain, memory and thinking abilities. Eggs also contain vitamin D, which helps deal with depression. When hens are fed omega-3-enriched feed, eggs also contain brain-beneficial DHA.

How much to eat: As much as you want, as long as they are part of a balanced diet.

How to choose and cook them: It is best to spread or cook them. Avoid fried eggs. Omega-enriched eggs are especially good for the elderly and those who do not eat fish.

3. Blueberries, blackberries, raspberries, strawberries

Benefits: These small fruits contain anthocyanins, which protect us from memory breakdowns. They are also useful for cognitive abilities and are recommended for children.

How much to eat: One large handful a day.

How to choose and cook them: Best fresh, but also frozen when out of season.

4. Green leafy vegetables (watercress, spinach, lettuce)

Green leafy vegetables
Green leafy vegetables

Benefits: They are rich in B vitamins, and especially folic acid protects the brain from shrinking with age. Folic acid helps maintain homocysteine levels - at high levels there is a risk of dementia or Alzheimer's.

How much to eat: One or two servings a day.

How to choose and cook them: B vitamins are water-soluble, so eat vegetables raw or steamed.

5. Nuts and seeds (walnuts, almonds, chia, flaxseed, pumpkin seeds)

Benefits: Vitamin E in nuts and seeds prevents cognitive decline. Minerals including zinc improve thought processes. Walnuts contain omega-3 and improve the blood supply to the brain.

How much to eat: about 30 grams a day.

How to choose and cook them: It is best to eat them raw or baked, but without salt.

6. Whole grains (oatmeal, brown rice, rye, bran)

Benefits: They are a source of slowly absorbed glucose, nourish the brain and improve concentration. Bran is a good source of vitamin E and choline, which improves memory.

How much to eat: 3 servings a day.

Whole grain bread
Whole grain bread

How to choose and cook them: Eat wholemeal bread, rice and pasta. Add bran to breakfast or in pastries.

7. Legumes (beans, lentils, black beans)

Benefits: They are rich in fiber and slow carbohydrates. Some legumes are a good source of anthocyanins, which prevent memory loss.

How much to eat: 1 serving per day.

How to choose and cook them: add them to salads, soups or stews, and you can break them into dips.


8. Cocoa

Benefits: Dark chocolate is rich in flavonoids and stimulants such as caffeine, so it helps maintain concentration, stimulates endorphin secretion and improves blood supply to the brain.

How much to eat: about 25 g per day.

How to choose and cook them: Choose as much raw chocolate as possible, which contains at least 70 percent cocoa particles.
