These Foods Strengthen The Body

These Foods Strengthen The Body
These Foods Strengthen The Body

Everyone strives to strengthen the body to be healthy and resistant to viral infections during the cold winter months. It is known that our body needs vitamins, minerals and other nutrients that we can easily get naturally - through food.

Vegetables and fruits give us the basic vitamins, and meat, milk and dairy products, as well as nuts give us other useful and important nutrients. We can easily find our guide to the world of food to know which ones fill us with what.

For those who have various disorders or diseases in certain organs, nature has taken care to tell us which food helps what. Even many foods outwardly resemble the organs they help. We will look at some of them.


These foods strengthen the body
These foods strengthen the body

If you want to strengthen your eyes, carrots are your vegetable. The sliced carrot resembles the eye and really cares about your eyes. It contains beta-carotene, which helps the retina to function. It also reduces the risk of cataracts. If you add lettuce, egg yolks, berries and citrus fruits, as well as almonds and fish to the carrots, you will have excellent eyesight.


Cut, this vegetable resembles a heart with its 4 chambers and its red color. Tomatoes contain lycopene, which protects the heart. Useful foods for the heart are also yogurt, raisins, beans, apples, nuts - hazelnuts, almonds, peanuts and dark chocolate.


These foods strengthen the body
These foods strengthen the body

The clusters resemble the alveoli of the lungs. Grape seeds contain proanthocinidine, which relieves asthma attacks.

Pomegranate, hot peppers and apples also help the lungs.


The bean externally resembles a kidney. Beans contain minerals and vitamins, which are a good basis for a balanced diet. It also contains fiber, protein and iron and is therefore a valuable food. Cabbage, cauliflower, garlic and onions have a good effect on the kidneys.


Celery looks like bones and strengthens the bone system. The bones have a high percentage of sodium, which is obtained from celery, as well as vitamins K, A, C.


These foods strengthen the body
These foods strengthen the body

Mushrooms look like an auricle when cut. They contain vitamin D, which protects against hearing loss.


The walnut is a copy of the brain visually. Indeed, walnuts are one of the most suitable foods for this organ, because it consists of about 60% fat and requires fatty acids for its functioning.


These foods strengthen the body
These foods strengthen the body

Bananas contain a protein that produces serotonin, the hormone of happiness. The resemblance of a banana to a person's smile is not accidental, a happy person is a healthy person.


It is no coincidence that the Chinese consider ginseng to be food and medicine for everything. If we look at it, it looks like the human body. There is a view that when an organ suffers from the body, one should eat the same part of ginseng. For the organs the middle part is eaten, for the legs - its mustache, for the kidneys - its fruits. This is one of the superfoods that nature has given us. It is a medicine, a food and a stimulant.

No less are the merits for strengthening the body our blueberries, red beets, peas, radishes and many others, giving their strength to our body.
