10 Ways To Strengthen Your Immune System

10 Ways To Strengthen Your Immune System
10 Ways To Strengthen Your Immune System

Your immune system is a shield against viruses, bacteria and other enemies, such as cancer cells, that can endanger your health.

If immune system is in good condition, your body will fight infections easily. Here are 10 tips on how to boost your immune system.

1. Diverse and balanced food

If you are usually on a diet, too busy to eat properly, focus on fast food, you can get annoyed with the immune system. Studies show that the lack of nutrients in the body can lead to its weight loss. So in all circumstances you should emphasize a variety of foods.


2. Increase your intake of fresh fruits and vegetables

Antioxidants, especially vitamin A, C and E, help cleanse the body of free radicals - potentially harmful chemicals that can cause damage to healthy cells. Experts believe that many fruits and vegetables help increase antioxidants, which destroy free radicals before they cause any harm.

3. Carefully choose the meat

Many chicken producers add many antibiotics to the bird's diet to stimulate their growth. Medical experts believe that a large abundance of antibiotics can lead to decreased immunity of the human body and the formation of antibiotic-resistant bacteria.

4. Eat less sugar

Many studies have confirmed that the immune system is weakened by the use of sugar. The World Health Organization believes that it is imperative that people limit the use of sugar-rich foods to reduce obesity - one of the leading causes of cancer, diabetes and other life-threatening diseases.

5. Consume adequate zinc

Zinc plays an important role in metabolism. The sources of this mineral are seafood, meat, nuts, eggs, cheese and cereals.

Useful vegetables
Useful vegetables

6. Reduce the use of pesticides

Several scientific studies claim that pesticides suppress the immune system. Pesticides are thought to adversely affect white blood cell formation, reducing the body's ability to fight infection. Pesticides are chemicals used to kill pests during the cultivation of fruits and vegetables.

7. Think about probiotics

Good bacteria (probiotics) in the stomach play an important role in digestion and help maintain a healthy immune system. Probiotics stop the development of harmful organisms in the stomach. To replenish probiotic reserves in the body, include yogurt in your daily diet.

It is useful to have more products that increase the growth of beneficial bacteria in the body. They are leeks, onions, garlic, apples and bananas.

8. Eat more broccoli

Broccoli and carrots
Broccoli and carrots

Broccoli contains a large amount of nutrients, including vitamin C and sulforaphane. It is a substance that neutralizes carcinogens in the body that cause cancer.

9. Don't forget about selenium

Selenium not only slows down the aging process, but is also an antioxidant that blocks the action of free radicals. You should take a very small amount of it every day, as excess selenium can be toxic. The best sources of selenium are Brazil nuts (you only need one or two walnuts a day), liver, seafood, kidneys, whole grains and cereals.

10. Stock up on flavonoids

Flavonoids have strong anti-cancer properties and stimulate the immune system. They block the onset of tumors. Flavonoids contain onions, blueberries, apples, dill, walnuts, red cabbage.
