Hungry Day For Healthy Weight Loss And Cleansing

Hungry Day For Healthy Weight Loss And Cleansing
Hungry Day For Healthy Weight Loss And Cleansing

Everyone who cares about their health should know about the benefits of hungry days. Many mistakenly believe that such preventive measures are designed to get rid of excess weight gained during the year. Hunger days do promote weight loss, but only if you follow a proper diet and nutrition.

Nutritionists recommend unloading the body no more than 1-2 times a month, and on other days to give the body the necessary amount of calories. Under no circumstances should constant hunger strikes be undertaken and a long hunger strike almost begin.

Some of the main goals of the hungry days are:

- To allow the body to rest from daily large amounts of high-calorie foods;

- To allow the body to get rid of toxins and other waste, in other words, clearing of slag and unwanted substances;

- To carry out the so-called "restart" of the stomach and the beginning of a smooth transition to a balanced diet, accustoming the body to smaller doses of food, as well as to give up unhealthy foods.

The types of fasting days to achieve different goals are:

Healthy day
Healthy day

- Protein day - the most effective in the fight against obesity, and can also be aimed at promoting the treatment of various diseases;

- Carbohydrate day - it is recommended for weight loss, as well as for the prevention of various chronic diseases and acute conditions;

- Fat Day - if you do not feel well do not spend this day, as well as if you have problems with the digestive system;

- Purification Day - preventive measures are taken to purify the body.

By following important dietary recommendations on this day, it can have a positive effect on the whole body, and in particular stimulate metabolism and help burn excess fat and remove residues.

Hungry days with weight control:

To support a healthy weight or to improve the effectiveness of the diet, it is best to perform fasting protein days. This means that during the day you should eat only cooked meat and fish products, as well as vegetable proteins. But don't forget to drink plenty of water.

Fresh vegetables
Fresh vegetables

Unloading the protein base also allows for the inclusion in the diet of fresh vegetables in small quantities, but they should not be with various additives, sauces and only a little salt. These restrictions do not cause hunger, but feeding should be every 4-5 hours.

Hungry days with a healthy lifestyle:

To always be in good condition and to feel happy and smiling, even in the absence of extra pounds, it is recommended to perform 1-2 times a month cleansing the body with hungry days, which contribute to the removal of toxins.

In this case, you should eat only light food and the smallest possible portions. The restricted diet does not include proteins, fats and indigestible carbohydrates, but only vegetables and herbs, fruits, as well as vegetable juices and water. You can drink whenever you want, that is, as much as the body requires.

Such a hungry day will be effective if you have dinner with vegetables during the day and limit yourself to a glass of tomato juice or a small vegetable soup for breakfast. To overcome hunger you should eat small portions, but more often - every three hours. Conducting any kind of hungry day should be consulted with a specialist.

Fasting during pregnancy, breastfeeding, fatigue, malaise, depression or stress and during treatment is strictly prohibited.
