Healthy And Smart Weight Loss With Beets And Turnips

Healthy And Smart Weight Loss With Beets And Turnips
Healthy And Smart Weight Loss With Beets And Turnips

Unlike tomatoes and cucumbers, which are regularly present at our table, especially during the summer months, few of us remember to eat beets and turnips. Undeservedly neglected, these vegetables are not only very useful for the human body, but also lead to weight loss.

Their valuable qualities have been valued since ancient times and it is not in vain that today specialists have remembered them. Here's what it's important to know about beets and turnips and how to include them in your daily diet if you want to lose a few pounds:

- In addition to having an antimicrobial nature, turnips support the proper functioning of peristalsis and help get rid of bad cholesterol. From there it comes to losing extra pounds;

- Turnips also work well to strengthen bones and teeth. This is due to its rich content of iron, calcium and magnesium;

- In some cases, care should be taken not to overdose on the consumption of turnips, as it has a mild irritant effect. In such cases, it is better to grate it and leave it for about 1 hour;

Weight loss
Weight loss

- If you aim weight loss with turnips, you can prepare it in juice together with the leaves. It is even better tolerated by the body if you mix it with carrot juice;

- Red beets are no less useful than turnips. It is a rich source of iron, phosphorus, potassium, calcium, carotene and perhaps most importantly - betaine;

- The usable part of beetroot is not only the root but also the leaves. They have a strong cleansing effect and are recommended even for constipation;

- Due to its strong action, it is recommended that red beets be consumed in juice or salads with other vegetables;

- You can prepare beets and roasted or boiled. In this way, some of its valuable ingredients will be lost, but this will not prevent its use for dietary purposes;

- If you want to lose weight, make a weekly diet that includes daily beets and turnips, but preferably along with other vegetables recommended by nutritionists.
