Rules For Picking Herbs

Rules For Picking Herbs
Rules For Picking Herbs

It is necessary to get acquainted in advance with the characteristic features of medicinal plants and in what habitats they occur. The accumulation of biologically active substances in them is concentrated in separate plant parts - root, leaf, stalk, flower, fruit and others. These parts must be collected separately, as very often the individual organs of one species contain medicinal substances of different composition and action.

Differences in their quantity are observed during the different phases of plant development - growth, leafing, flowering, fruiting. Therefore, it is important to know which part of the plant is harvested, during which period of the year and at what stage of its development.

The herbs are picked only in dry, possibly sunny weather, after the morning dew has risen. No herbs are picked during and after rain. Then they contain a large amount of water and often turn black when dried.

It is believed that various herbs and herbs have the greatest healing power on Midsummer's Day, which is celebrated on June 24. Herbs are harvested before sunrise. It is believed that Eny's wrists are used to chase ghosts and cast spells.


It is advisable to pick one type of herb and to provide the possibilities for transporting the collected amount to the place where it will be dried or spread temporarily.

Parts of the plant other than the usable ones, as well as parts of other close-looking plants growing nearby, must not be picked. Contamination of the collected must not be allowed.

During drying, the collected herb is spread loosely in containers or on surfaces that do not allow steaming, pressing and crushing.

Drying herbs
Drying herbs

It is not recommended to collect poisonous herbs from amateurs, as this can be associated with serious risks to life and health.

If their use is necessary, they can be obtained from herbal pharmacies after consultation with a phytotherapist.
