Never Store These Fruits And Vegetables Together

Never Store These Fruits And Vegetables Together
Never Store These Fruits And Vegetables Together

If you buy regularly fruits and vegetables, you've probably noticed that sometimes they break down very quickly. You can avoid this by following this tips for intelligent storage of fruits and vegetables.

Keep the cucumbers separate

Most fruits, such as apples and melons, produce a gas that accelerates the ripening but also spoils of other plant products. Cucumbers have the same property. Therefore, store them alone, in a cool place, out of contact with other foods.

Do not keep herbs with vegetables


If you buy a bunch of parsley or dill from the market, do not put them in the refrigerator next to the other vegetables. Put them in a bowl of water like flowers. This will keep them fresh longer and you will be able to use them in salads with parsley as a tabouleh or even make parsley meatballs.

Separate the autumn fruits

Zucchini and squash are known to have a long shelf life, but apples and other autumn fruits, such as pears, should not be stored next to them, as this will lead to yellowing.

Keep apples away from oranges

Apple and orange
Apple and orange

Apples release a gas called ethylene, a ripening agent that will spoil the products around it more quickly. If you want to extend their shelf life, store the apples in the refrigerator or in storage, but away from other plant foods.

Keep the potatoes away from the onions

Potatoes and onions should preferably be separated. Otherwise, their contact may impair their characteristics. Garlic and onions can be stored side by side without ripening or spoiling, but should be kept in a well-ventilated area.

Bananas make avocados ripen


The gases emitted by bananas promote ripening in avocados. If you need to extend the life of an avocado, store it in the refrigerator to significantly slow down the ripening process. And then you can safely use it for a delicious guacamole or other avocado snack.

Do not store tomatoes in the refrigerator

Too long storage of tomatoes in the refrigerator can make them soft and spoil their taste. They can be stored for about two to three days, but when stored at room temperature, they have more flavor. So ideally, keep them on the counter, away from other fruits and vegetables, so you can then prepare perfect salads with tomatoes.
