Unhealthy Foods Make Us Depressed

Unhealthy Foods Make Us Depressed
Unhealthy Foods Make Us Depressed

Excessive consumption of waffles, chips and other unhealthy foods can cause depression and depression. This conclusion was reached by scientists from Spain, after conducting a large-scale study.

According to experts, saturated and trans fats contained in foods that are not good for the body, increased the risk of depression by nearly 50%.

Therefore, it is advisable to avoid products that do you no good. The top 10 most unhealthy foods include - chewy candies, chips, chocolate desserts, sausages and fresh salami, fatty meat, mayonnaise, instant noodles, cereals.

Olive oil
Olive oil

Of course, avoid frequent consumption of sweet carbonated drinks, fruit juices and alcohol. Do not overdo it with salt. Also avoid cereals, fried foods, all forms of sugar, orphaned dried fruits and, alcohol, caffeine and processed foods.

As the number 1 product to fight depression, the Spanish initiators of the study identified olive oil. This is because olive oil is rich in monounsaturated fats (omega 9), which reduces the risk of mental illness.


To avoid the risk of depression, focus on raw fruits and vegetables, brown rice, beans, peas, lentils, soy products, millet, buckwheat. Salmon and white fish, which are rich in protein and essential fatty acids, have an antidepressant effect. An interesting fact is that turkey meat helps to improve mood.

Also, some supplements are extremely effective in treating and preventing depression. Examples are linseed oil, salmon oil, vitamin B-complex, B6, zinc, calcium, magnesium, chromium, multivitamin and mineral complex, vitamin C.

Among the herbs with proven action are balm, ginger, mint, oat straw, Siberian ginseng.

Of course, don't forget to exercise regularly - this will keep your spirit awake and fresh. Visit the gym at least twice a week or go outside to run in good weather.
