Unhealthy Foods Are Aggravated By An Additional Tax?

Unhealthy Foods Are Aggravated By An Additional Tax?
Unhealthy Foods Are Aggravated By An Additional Tax?

An additional tax on chips, burgers and other proven unhealthy foods was proposed by Deputy Health Minister Dr. Adam Persenski.

According to the Deputy Minister, producers of unhealthy food must pay excise duty, as do producers of other dangerous goods such as cigarettes and alcohol.

We propose a change in the text for foods that contain more than 5% salt and other unhealthy foods to be subject to excise duty. This will be an open war. I hope the damage for us is not very severe - said Dr. Persenski.

If the proposal is accepted, it will be a serious blow to fast food chains, whose main part of the menu is precisely the harmful foods that entice most Bulgarians with their appearance.


Practice with the application of such a law shows that after the additional tax is imposed, the producers raise the price of the offered product accordingly.

So far, two of the countries in the European Union have introduced a similar aggravating tax - Denmark and Hungary. In Denmark, foods with a higher fat content, including olive oil and vegetable oils, are taxed.

The Danish government has taken this step as a measure against unhealthy eating and increased life expectancy. After the law was introduced, the price of burgers in the country increased by 0.15 dollars, and the price of olive oil - by 0.40 dollars.

Healthy eating
Healthy eating

The Hungarian Ministry of Health has also voted for additional fees for unhealthy foods. In the country the products with higher content of sugar, salt, carbohydrates and flavorings are more expensive.

Taxes are also levied on foods that contain more than 20 milligrams of caffeine, as studies have shown that consuming this amount starts health problems.

In Hungary, chips are taxed at an additional 200 forints per kilogram, which is equivalent to about $ 1.
