Why Dairy Products Are Useful

Why Dairy Products Are Useful
Why Dairy Products Are Useful

If you do not observe the Easter fast, you should consume two or three servings of dairy products a day to provide your body with the necessary substances.

Milk and dairy products such as cheese, yogurt, cream and yellow cheese contain enough calcium, which is needed for bones and teeth.

Calcium is especially useful at a young age because its accumulation protects against osteoporosis. In adulthood, a person also needs calcium, because that is when the dangers of breaking bones are serious.

Choose milk and dairy products that are skimmed, as full-fat products contain saturated fats, which are harmful to health.

If you do not consume milk due to fasting or for any other reason, you can get your daily dose of calcium from soy milk with calcium, spinach, dried apricots and dried figs.

Why dairy products are useful
Why dairy products are useful

The body of an adult needs 700 mg of calcium per day. In product equivalent, this equates to five hundred milliliters of milk, a bucket of yoghurt or eighty grams of hard cheese.

Many cheeses and cheeses contain too much fat, so use fragrant cheeses for cooking, but in small quantities, and use low-calorie cheese.

Children up to two years of age can drink whole milk, and skim milk is given only after the age of five. Until then, low-fat milk is given.

When you want to freshen up and get full without affecting your figure, make milkshakes in a blender with fresh fruit.
