Plastic Bottles And Containers Are Extremely Harmful

Plastic Bottles And Containers Are Extremely Harmful
Plastic Bottles And Containers Are Extremely Harmful

According to German scientists, plastic bottles and containers are extremely harmful to health. Studies have found that the water from plastic bottles contains a substance that is very harmful to the human body.

In smaller amounts, this substance, called an antinomy, can cause depression and nausea, and in larger amounts, it can lead to death.

British scientists believe that the materials from which plastic water bottles or cans are made can be the cause of many serious diseases, including cancer.

One of the dangers is specifically for men - prostate cancer. Experts advise us not to keep food in plastic boxes and various containers.

And a very important part - if a package is intended for single use, then let it remain so. We should not use it many times

The prevailing opinion is that well-washed plastic bottles are ready for reuse do not make such a mistake. Repeated use can lead to very serious health problems.

Plastic bottles and containers for food and drink contain Bisphenol A. This synthetic chemical interferes with the hormonal system - scientists have linked it to breast and uterine cancer, can lead to miscarriage and pose a serious risk to children. development.

It is especially dangerous to use such containers more than once in children. When you wash the bottle or container, it cracks quite imperceptibly, which speeds up the process of releasing this substance.

Plastic containers are also harmful to nature. This material can be recycled, but with most of these containers this does not happen. They are often burned, which is also harmful.

Glass containers and bottles, as well as cardboard containers, are a better choice.
