Edible Bottles Will Displace Plastic

Edible Bottles Will Displace Plastic
Edible Bottles Will Displace Plastic

New bottles, which are made from edible and gel-like membranes, will completely replace the plastic bottles known today, experts say.

The revolutionary trade item is called Ooho, and its appearance is very similar to a sea jellyfish. However, according to experts, the new technology used to produce bottles will save humanity from pollution.

Edible bottles have become one of the finalists competing for the Grand Prize of Inventors Global Forum, which this year is held under the motto Five ideas that can change the world.

Completely different bottles of their kind were invented by Rodrigo Garcia Gonzalez of the Royal College of Art in London.

Bottles are completely biodegradable and, in addition to being thrown anywhere without harming the environment, they can even be eaten without any consequences for the body.

Edible plastic
Edible plastic

Other contenders for this year's prize for a new invention include tiles that produce energy under the footsteps of passers-by and an app that allows consumers to explore their own eyes.

If Ooho edible bottles enter the market, they will completely displace plastic bottles, ending the billions of tons of plastic waste that are thrown away every year.

The technology for making revolutionary bottles has been developed for years. The same technology was used to create fake caviar.

The Ooho gel layer was made after frozen water was immersed in calcium chloride. The membrane is strengthened and encapsulated with brown algae extract.

The only problem with these bottles is that the membrane is not durable enough and is difficult to transport from one place to another. Scientists from the Royal College of Art continue to work on improving the bottle.

Specialists face another challenge. They should make the bottle close once it is open, because this is not possible at this stage.
