Wine And Alcohol Storage Containers

Wine And Alcohol Storage Containers
Wine And Alcohol Storage Containers

Have you decided to invest time and money in search of quality wines? It makes sense that you want to take care of them properly.

We guarantee that there is no big secret with the storage of wine, but certainly the right care can guarantee the pleasure of drinking, and the wrong - to spoil a romantic evening, for example.

To preserve the wine and preserve all its merits, you should leave it in a dark, cold, moist and relatively well insulated against vibration and odors, as bright light can damage it, especially if you want to mature for more than ten years..

Making wine
Making wine

The wine does not like large temperature fluctuations, so store it in a place with a constant temperature. However, the heat accelerates the chemical processes and the warmer the place where we store the wine, the faster it will age. The ideal temperature is 10 degrees C, but you can safely use the range between 7 and 18 degrees C.

The room in which you keep your wine should not be too dry, as the cork will dry out and shrink and leak air, which will oxidize the wine. The best humidity is 70-80%.

Wine storage
Wine storage

If a train, subway or other vehicles do not pass by your home to create a strong vibration, then you have no problems with today's stabilized wines.

Sauerkraut, pickles, bacon, kerosene or car tires have no place near the wine, as it breathes and can be seriously damaged.

Wines are usually stored lying down so that the cork can be constantly moistened by the wine. This way it will not dry out and leak oxygen into the bottle. However, new research shows that wine develops best when the bottle is at an angle. Thus, the cork is in contact with both the wine and the air in the bottle.

Other types of alcohol do not require as much care. However, remember that you should not place them in direct sunlight and at high temperatures.
