Several Reasons To Eat Dock

Several Reasons To Eat Dock
Several Reasons To Eat Dock

The dock is a perennial herbaceous plant and one of the most common green leafy vegetables in our lands. It grows in the spring and its characteristic feature is that it is unpretentious and quite resistant.

Apart from the fact that we can easily grow a dock in our garden, as it does not require special care, we can also find a useful dock in free-growing form.

For centuries it has occupied an honorable place in Bulgarian cuisine and is highly valued for its incredible taste, which it retains even after undergoing some kind of heat treatment. It can be eaten fresh, in various salads with dock, or cooked, as part of delicious lean dishes, soups, pies and other dishes.

Along with nettle and spinach, the dock does not contain any fatwhich makes it one of the healthiest vegetables. It is extremely rich in proteins, carbohydrates, flavonoids, tannins and anthraquinone compounds. An excellent source of iron, potassium, calcium, sodium and phosphorus, as well as three types of acids - malic, oxalic and citric.

Last but not least, the dock is undoubtedly a real vitamin bomb, as it contains a whole bunch of vitamins - A, B1, B2, B3, B6, B9, C, E and K.

Thanks to all the listed valuable nutrients, vitamins and minerals that this spring vegetable includes, it has been proven to bring a number of benefits to human health.

Here are some good reasons why you should include a dock in your menu:

- Has a beneficial effect on diabetes;

- Has a detoxifying effect on the body and the body;

- Improves digestion;

- Helps with constipation when taken in larger quantities, as in small doses it has a burning effect;

- Reduces the risk of breast cancer due to its content - beta-carotene, lutein and vitamin A;

- Maintains heart health, regulates blood pressure and prevents heart attack and stroke;

- Strengthens bone strength;

- A good aid in the treatment of anemia, thanks to its high iron content.

Although the dock is extremely useful, excessive intake can cause inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract or in some cases mild diarrhea. Also, people who are prone to the formation of kidney stones and in the body, it is advisable to limit its consumption.
