Prohibited And Permitted Foods At Hashimoto

Prohibited And Permitted Foods At Hashimoto
Prohibited And Permitted Foods At Hashimoto

Today, autoimmune diseases are a shocking number. What unites them is that they are incurable and progress over time, causing varying degrees of damage to the body.

One of these diseases is Hashimoto's. This disease is endocrinological, affects the thyroid gland. In him, as in all other autoimmune diseases, the immune system attacks its own cells, causing varying degrees of damage. Hashimoto is found when the immune system has damaged the thyroid gland, which regulates metabolic processes, growth, body temperature, menstruation in women, body weight and others.

Hypothyroidism and Hashimoto

Hashimoto's patients often develop hypothyroidism, but such development is not absolutely necessary. The two terms are not synonymous with the same disease. Hashimoto is a disease, and hypothyroidism is a condition that results from this disease. Hashimoto occurs when the thyroid gland is attacked by white blood cells, and hypothyroidism is present when the thyroid gland is unable to produce the hormones it should produce in sufficient quantities.

Diets prescribed by the attending physician are so important that they can alleviate the symptoms of the disease and vice versa - poor nutrition aggravates the complaints. Which foods should be avoided with Hashimoto?

Foods to avoid with Hashimoto

On first place in Hashimoto they should be avoided gluten-free foods. Gluten intolerance is characteristic of those suffering from the disease. It is suggested that the disease itself may be due to this intolerance.

If the disease does not respond to medication, it is mandatory to start a gluten-free diet. Bread, biscuits, barley, rye are foods that should be eliminated from the menu.

forbidden foods in hashimoto
forbidden foods in hashimoto

Unprocessed vegetables such as cabbage, broccoli and cauliflower, which contain substances that disrupt the production of hormones by the gland, should also be eliminated.

Soy is the next food that is not recommended for Hashimoto. In the case of soy, harmful substances remain even after thermal processing, so it must be completely eliminated from the diet.

Foods suitable for Hashimoto

Zinc and selenium are the elements that take care of the balance of hormones and therefore all foods that contain them in larger quantities are a good option in the diet.

These are probiotics, fermented foods, sunflowers, mushrooms, pumpkin, spinach, eggs. And morning coffee can be replaced with chickpeas, which is also recommended.
