How Different Products Affect

How Different Products Affect
How Different Products Affect

Carrots are very useful when you need to learn something by heart. They stimulate the metabolism in the brain. Before the exam, eat a plate of grated carrots with olive oil.

Pineapple is a favorite of theatrical divas. People who need to memorize large texts need more vitamin C, which is contained in pineapple.

Avocados are a source of energy for short-term memory because they contain fatty acids.

Consumption of shrimp helps to concentrate memory. They supply the body with valuable fatty acids that help focus attention and memory.

Onions help with mental fatigue and mental stress. It improves the oxygen supply to the brain. Half an onion a day is enough for this purpose.

Nuts are useful when you are about to have a mental marathon or a long journey with your car. Nuts strengthen the nervous system and stimulate brain activity.

Dried figs
Dried figs

If you want creative ideas, eat dried figs. They contain a substance that is similar in composition to aspirin and together with the essential oils in figs dilutes the blood and the brain receives more oxygen.

Kim can also provoke creative enlightenment. The essential oils in this spice stimulate the nervous system. Drink cumin tea - 2 teaspoons are brewed with a glass of boiling water.

Cabbage eliminates nervous conditions as it reduces the activity of the thyroid gland. If you are about to have a difficult meeting or conversation, eat a large cabbage salad beforehand.

Lemon clears the mind because of the shock dose of vitamin C it contains.

Foods also affect emotions. Chili peppers help make endorphins - the hormones of happiness.

Strawberries neutralize negative emotions. The minimum dose for this purpose is two hundred grams. Bananas contain serotonin - a substance that the brain needs to feel happy. Bananas help you fall asleep easily after a hard night.
