Save The Rest Of The Food From The Table Like This

Save The Rest Of The Food From The Table Like This
Save The Rest Of The Food From The Table Like This

During the holidays, most housewives overdo the preparation of food. And as we know, it is a sin to throw away food. Therefore, after the holidays are over, we start thinking about how we can store the food prepared with so much love.

However, not everything is suitable for freezing. All green leafy salads, ready-made milk salads (such as Russian salad and Snow White), as well as fresh fruits are unsuitable.

It is important to prepare the food before freezing it:

- Meat: Divide into portions and place in suitable envelopes or boxes;

- Roast: Also cut into portions;

Frozen minced meat
Frozen minced meat

- Stew: Put in a hard box;

- Rabbit, turkey and chicken: Deboned, divided into portions and stored in a hard box or envelopes;

- Pork: Pure roasted meat can be stored longer than fatter meat. Therefore, if possible, remove the fat and pack packages of meat weighing no more than 3 kg;

- Vegetables: Once cleaned, blanched and then placed in bags. The quantity must be in accordance with the envelope. The maximum in an envelope is 1 kg;

frozen vegetables
frozen vegetables

- Liquid and soft foods such as sauces, soups, etc. - in hard boxes, preferably suitable for microwave except for freezer.

The storage period must be observed. Maximum storage time is:

- The meat is stored for 3 to 6 months;

- Vegetables - from 6 to 8 months;

- Ready meals - up to 3 months.

Important! Once the prepared food has been thawed, it is not recommended to return it to the freezer.

How to cook with frozen vegetables?

It is important after taking the frozen package to avoid loosening the contents during cooking. It is important not to boil. Let them blanch in boiling salted water for seconds, add them frozen directly to the dish or steam them.

Not all frozen vegetables can adapt well to the same recipe. Some vegetables are good to be steamed, others - fried, blanched or used directly as a garnish.

You should also know if you include frozen vegetables in different types of recipes:

- Frozen corn, peas and green beans need only quick light curing or steaming;

- Frozen asparagus, Brussels sprouts, broccoli, okra and cauliflower tend to absorb more moisture, which can increase during stewing and baking. The result is that they will become too soft and lose their taste. When preparing them, it is desirable to fry or bread them. A healthy option is to add them directly to a casserole or dish in a yen glass dish.

The simplest way to make frozen vegetables is to make soup or stew from them. When making thicker soups, the vegetables are added towards the end of the soup preparation.
