The Food That Can Save You From The Coronavirus

The Food That Can Save You From The Coronavirus
The Food That Can Save You From The Coronavirus

The dreaded coronavirus is spreading rapidly at home and around the world. More and more countries are taking drastic measures to limit the number of people affected. One of the most important recommendations is frequent and thorough hand washing and limiting social contacts.

In the panic over the most discussed virus, we should not forget the seasonal flu and the common cold, which continue to lurk around the corner.

That is why it is extremely important to take care of our immunity by paying special attention to the food we eat and including in our menu more products that could strengthen our defenses and protect us from infections and diseases, including and COVID-19.

Here is the most important in nutrition against coronavirus.

Varied food

Zinc foods are good against coronavirus
Zinc foods are good against coronavirus

It is mandatory to have on our table foods rich in various nutrients, vitamins and minerals. Especially important for boosting the immune system are vitamin C, E, zinc and selenium. We can get them by consuming colorful salads and fresh vegetables.

Foods with probiotics are also very important to take. Probiotics support the work of intestinal bacteria, which play a major role in maintaining a strong immune system. Studies show that they significantly shorten colds and reduce the severity of symptoms.

Exceptional fermented foods are also useful - yogurt, kefir and sauerkraut. They take care of balancing the intestinal flora and strengthen the intestinal immune system.

Protein intake

Proteins are the basic building blocks in the structures of many immune cells. Their role in our nutrition is vital as they help the human body to renew, grow and develop. The best sources of protein are meat, eggs, legumes.

Enough vitamin D

Vitamin D is important for protection against coronavorus
Vitamin D is important for protection against coronavorus

Vitamin D is extremely important for a strong immune system. Our body is charged with it thanks to the sun's rays. Experts recommend sun exposure at noon for at least 15 minutes. However, in the current conditions and because of the recommendations not to leave our homes, we cannot get enough of the sun vitamin in this way. Exceptions are those who have yards or outdoor terraces. Therefore, it is desirable to take vitamin D3 in the form of a supplement or get it through food - eat more mushrooms, soy and almond milk, tofu, oatmeal, eggs, milk, yogurt, salmon, tuna, sardines, yogurt as well as orange juice.

Garlic, onions and spices

Onions and garlic are useful against coronavirus
Onions and garlic are useful against coronavirus

Include in cooking so useful garlic, onions, herbs and spices such as rosemary, thyme and sage. They have antiviral, antifungal and anti-inflammatory properties and help fight infections by stimulating the immune system.

Limit pasta and confectionery

Products such as bread, pasta, biscuits, cakes and other sweet temptations are loved by millions of people, but they are high in calories and extremely poor in nutrients. They cause inflammation in the body and harm intestinal health by feeding unwanted bacteria and enzymes in the gut that suppress strains that support the immune system.

Uncontrolled consumption of unhealthy foods significantly increases the risk of developing cardiovascular disease, cancer, hypercholesterolemia, hyperglycemia, hypertension, type 2 diabetes and obesity.
