Do You Know This Herb? It Will Save You From Food Poisoning

Do You Know This Herb? It Will Save You From Food Poisoning
Do You Know This Herb? It Will Save You From Food Poisoning

Located primarily in the eastern United States and Canada, lobelia is an herb that is characterized by purple-pink flowers and dense growth. The main regions in which it grows abundantly include British Columbia, Arkansas and Nebraska.

The perennial flowering herb is also called Indian tobacco and has been used by Indian tribes for centuries because of its many healing properties. It has antispastic, antiasthmatic and expectorant properties. It acts both as a stimulant and as a nerve relaxant. When used with other herbs in small doses, it acts as a stimulant. When used in larger doses, it acts as a relaxant.

Lobelia has been used for centuries by Aboriginal tribes for medicinal purposes. Its use has been found to be effective in the treatment of certain medical conditions even in modern times. Lobelia can be used to relieve some respiratory diseases. Herbalists recommend its use to treat bronchitis, whooping cough, asthma and pneumonia. It also acts as an herbal expectorant and thus helps cleanse the airways and lungs.

The ingredients of lobelia accelerate expectoration in case of need. As early as the 19th century, Native Americans and doctors used the herb to induce vomiting in humans. Thus, it can be used to remove toxins from the human body and help deal with food poisoning. This herb is also used topically to relieve muscle pain and joint lumps caused by rheumatoid arthritis. It is also used to treat insect bites and bruises.

The main ingredient in lobelia, namely lobeline, is believed to have nicotine-like properties. Therefore, it is widely used as a product to stop smoking. Nicotine works on specific receptors in the human nervous system to increase heart rate, blood pressure and blood vessels. Interestingly, that lobelia works in the opposite direction. Reduces blood pressure, heart rate, relaxes muscles and dilates blood vessels.

Studies also show that it may be effective in treating drug addiction. The herb eases muscles and improves blood circulation in the human body. In this way, it can help relieve menstrual cramps and muscle cramps. In fact, in the 19th century, it was used to reduce pelvic stiffness during childbirth.


Photo: SuperseedsCom

As with many other herbs with healing properties, the benefits of lobelia can best be obtained when you drink it as a tea. Despite the widespread belief that lobelia is toxic to human consumption, ingesting lobelia extract or drinking tea is not harmful. However, excessive use in any form can lead to a number of side effects.

The documented side effects caused by excessive use of lobelia are: sweating, diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, dizziness, palpitations and cough. The use of lobelia tea can lead to interactions with nicotine substitutes and psychiatric medications.

Therefore, you should be careful about taking it. For safety, women who are breastfeeding and pregnant women should not use this herb. A cup of tea can be refreshing and healing at the same time. So why not start your day with renewed energy and strength thanks to the lobelia.
