Avoid Figs In Osteoporosis

Avoid Figs In Osteoporosis
Avoid Figs In Osteoporosis

Figs are extremely tasty, exotic and erotic fruits that should not be neglected in any case. Figs grow best in subtropical and tropical climates.

The fig also grows in Bulgaria - in our southernmost parts such as Sandanski, Petrich, Sinemorets.

Ripe figs are of different colors - from almost white to dark purple. There are different varieties of figs: different in size, taste and color, but they are all extremely seductive.

Figs contain many useful ingredients. This makes it extremely useful for consumption. Fresh fruits contain 1.5 percent protein, 11.5 carbohydrates and very little acid.

In dried figs, proteins are 3.6 percent, carbohydrates - up to 50%, which makes them even sweeter and much more caloric.

If you want to gain weight, dried figs are for you, as well as if you need recovery after a serious illness or surgery. They contain 214 kcal per 100 grams.

Dried figs
Dried figs

Figs are also rich in vitamins C, B1, B6, minerals such as sodium, potassium, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus.

Vitamin B6 is responsible for the production of serotonin, known as the "pleasure hormone" and makes figs a desirable fruit for both lovers and singles.

The only thing to be careful about is that you are not allergic to figs. If you are sensitive to sulfites and sulfur dioxide, you should be careful with dried figs, because they are usually treated in order to preserve their longevity.

Figs contain oxalates, which in large quantities in the body crystallize and can cause problems. It should be borne in mind that oxalates take away calcium from the body and care should be taken, especially in people who have osteoporosis.

But if you do not have stomach problems - no need to worry. Only you should not overeat systematically with figs.
