How To Dry Figs

How To Dry Figs
How To Dry Figs

Dried figs are very useful, they contain a unique combination of vitamins and trace elements. It is enough to eat a handful of dried figs for ten days and you will notice that your facial skin is fresher, your nails and hair will shine and get a healthy look, your stomach digestion will improve.

Dried figs are rich in easily digestible fructose, which satisfies your need for jam, but without harming your body like pasta desserts.

The calories in dried figs have a tonic effect and fill the body with vital energy, which does not affect your figure. In dried figs the useful substances do not disappear, but are concentrated, and the content of fruit sugar increases.

If you want to dry sliced figs, wait for them to cool a bit in the fridge to cut them. When they are soft and warm, the knife is very difficult to pass through because they are sticky.

Dip the knife blade in hot water from time to time. The easiest way to cut two fresh figs is to use large sharp scissors.

Many recipes with figs are made not with fresh but with dried fruit, because they are much more useful due to the accumulation of vitamins and minerals as a result of drying.

Candied figs
Candied figs

Figs are dried in the sun to absorb the heat of the sun's rays. When the first figs ripen, they are picked, dried, scattered on bars, and covered with gauze or a thin cloth.

The figs are left in the sun for ten days, then lightly crushed so that they take up less space, and until they are completely dry, they are left in the shade.

To prevent the figs from souring in the sun before being placed on the racks, the fruit is melted for a few seconds in hot sugar syrup.

The figs are lined up next to each other, but so that they do not touch, and necessarily with the handle up. Figs are sufficiently dried when the inside becomes thick as jam and the rind is elastic.

Dried figs can be covered with a white coating - these are sugar crystals. Light, not dark, varieties of figs are best for drying.
