The Fruits Strengthen The Bones

The Fruits Strengthen The Bones
The Fruits Strengthen The Bones

For healthy bones, eat fruit! Consumption of fruit is a basic prerequisite for bone strength not only for adolescents but also for people of all ages.

Fruits are especially important for boys, as they preserve their energy and strength.

The results of a new study by an Irish university show that the more fruit we consume, the healthier your bones are.

1,345 teenagers from Ireland have been the subject of attention by scientists. They studied the diet and bone density of teenagers between the ages of 12 and 15.

The highest accumulation of minerals in the bones, on which their strength depends, was found in those who consume at least 200 grams of fruit per day.

Scientists say that if we do not eat fruit, acids prevent calcium from reaching the bones.


In addition, some fruits are able to preserve our youth, thanks to the vitamins they contain.

According to American scientists, after the age of 20, people begin to age. But fruits, which contain a large amount of vitamin C, inhibit the aging process through redox processes in the body.

More oranges, lemons, tangerines, grapefruits and kiwis should be eaten by those of you who want to keep your youth for longer.
