Nutrition To Strengthen The Lining Of The Stomach

Nutrition To Strengthen The Lining Of The Stomach
Nutrition To Strengthen The Lining Of The Stomach

The lining of the stomach is quite sensitive, easily irritated and once damaged may never recover. That is why it is very important how we eat and what diet we follow. There are many diseases associated with damaged gastric mucosa. To strengthen the lining of the stomach, we must follow a few rules when eating.

Proper nutrition and the use of certain herbs can help heal and strengthen the lining of your stomach, can be helpful in fighting many infections and reduce the risk of re-injury.

For starters, try to avoid dairy products, caffeine, alcohol and sugar. Coffee, even decaffeinated coffee, should be removed from your menu because it contains potentially irritating oils.

Eliminate all known foods with their irritating effect on the stomach. Include sulfur-containing foods in your diet, such as garlic, onions, broccoli, cabbage, Brussels sprouts and cauliflower. Sulfur is essential in the formation of the substance that provides antioxidant protection to the lining of the stomach.

Dark green leafy vegetables are good sources of vitamins such as A, C, K, folic acid, iron and calcium. These vitamins and minerals are important in the treatment of the stomach. Foods such as broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cabbage, asparagus, green cabbage, spinach, peas, mustard and green beans are good for healing the stomach.

To strengthen the lining of the stomach, you should eat foods that contain protein. Protein helps the body "repair" old damaged cells. It is needed to eliminate inflammation and ulcers of the stomach. Patients should choose low-fat protein foods.

Nutrition to strengthen the lining of the stomach
Nutrition to strengthen the lining of the stomach

High-fat protein foods increase the production of stomach acid, which causes additional irritation of the stomach lining. Low fat foods containing protein are: lean meat, fish, soy products, legumes, low fat milk and low fat yogurt.

Eat foods containing flavonoids. Flavonoids are antioxidants that are found in most brightly colored fruits and vegetables. According to a study by the University of Maryland, flavonoids help prevent bacteria that cause gastritis and stomach ulcers.

Consumption of many flavonoid-rich foods protects and treats inflamed stomach lining. Foods rich in flavonoids that can benefit patients with gastritis include celery, cranberries, apples, green tea, blueberries, cherries, pumpkins and peppers.
