Which Foods And Beverages Are Rich In Polyphenols?

Which Foods And Beverages Are Rich In Polyphenols?
Which Foods And Beverages Are Rich In Polyphenols?

Some fruits and vegetables, as well as many other foods and beverages such as chocolate, wine, coffee and tea, contain important polyphenols.

The antioxidant ability of polyphenols is actually the reason why products containing these substances have a good reputation.

Their advantage over others is that they significantly reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease and cancer.

Polyphenols are substances of plant origin. There are over 8,000 species. Every day we take in hundreds of different types of polyphenols through the food and beverages we consume.


Polyphenols are plant phytonutrients that are found in the largest amounts in blueberries, lentils, wine, tea, grapes and walnuts, pomegranate and vegetables such as broccoli, cabbage, celery, onions and parsley.

Green unroasted coffee beans also contain polyphenols with an antioxidant effect twice as strong as that of green tea or grape seeds.

Thanks to them, the adverse effects of free radicals, which are among the prerequisites for the rapid aging of the body, are neutralized.


A recent authoritative study proved that popcorn also has high levels of valuable antioxidants. Many cereals also contain, according to researchers, a "surprisingly high" amount of polyphenols.

Previous studies have suggested that fiber is actually the active ingredient that makes cereals a useful food. They were also credited with the ability to have a preventive effect against cancer and heart disease. Recently, however, studies have shown that polyphenols have far more valuable and important properties.

Therefore, do your best to include foods and beverages rich in polyphenols in your daily menu. This will keep your body healthy and significantly reduce the risk of certain diseases.
