Which Foods Are Rich In Iron?

Which Foods Are Rich In Iron?
Which Foods Are Rich In Iron?

Iron plays an important role in the lives of almost all organisms.

Iron enters the human body through food. It turns out that the richest in the valuable ingredient are the liver, meat, eggs, legumes, bread and semolina.

From the group of vegetables, the highest iron content is in cabbage and beets. Fish also has a lot of iron.

Spinach also contains certain amounts of iron. However, the composition of the plant contains substances that interfere with full absorption. That is why nutritionists recommend that spinach be served with meat or fish. In this way, the so-called trace elements (which are about 60 in number, including iron, copper, zinc, selenium, nickel, etc.) are properly absorbed by the body.

An interesting fact is that the legend that spinach contains a lot of iron was born after a typo. In describing the results of a German study of the iron content of various foods in 1870, the decimal point in the spinach value was erroneously shifted to the right, resulting in a ten times higher value.


The mistake was not corrected until 1937, but through the press and films about "Popeye the Sailor" the myth of iron-rich spinach was already established in the mass consciousness, say scientists from the Medical University of Indiana, USA.

The need of a person for iron per 1 kg of weight is: for children - 0.6 mg, for adults - 0.1 mg and for pregnant women - 0.3 mg per day.

As a rule, the iron we take with food is quite enough, but in some special cases such as (anemia, blood donation) it is necessary to take iron supplements.

You must know that iron overdose harms the body and can have fatal consequences.
