How To Choose Green Vegetables

How To Choose Green Vegetables
How To Choose Green Vegetables

Green vegetables are full of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. They are tender and tender and can be eaten raw, and when slightly more ripe, they are delicious cooked.

From 450 grams of leafy vegetables after cooking or stewing, only 125 grams are obtained. Buy only healthy undamaged leaves with saturated colors.

The small petals on thin stems are the most tender and delicious. To preserve green leafy vegetables for a day or two, wash them well in a colander with cold water and soak up the water with a towel.

Put the leaves in an envelope along with a damp cloth. Spinach has a mild taste and can be used for fresh salads and cooked or stewed dishes.

Asparagus is best bought from May to July. Choose asparagus with fresh elastic stems and avoid those with woody stems.


Choose asparagus of equal length to cook evenly. Before use, trim the edges of the asparagus with a knife. You can keep the asparagus longer if you dip them in a tall glass with two to three inches of water upside down and wrap them in a towel.

When buying green beans, choose pods that break easily. Large pods are too coarse and contain fiber.

You can buy young peas in pods and consume it without cleaning it, even raw. Before use, just cut off both ends of each pod.

Artichoke is most delicious in July and August. Green artichoke has a taste that is softer than the taste of purple, characterized by bitterness.

Buy an artichoke like a ball, with the leaves tightly glued together, the edges of which may be brownish in color. Peel a squash, grate it and squeeze the juice.
