What Are Simple Carbohydrates

What Are Simple Carbohydrates
What Are Simple Carbohydrates

Carbohydrates are important elements in our diet. They are the main source of energy for the human body. There are two main categories of carbohydrates. These are simple, also called incomplete carbohydrates, and complex - complete. In this article we will look at the first category.

The composition of simple carbohydrates is simple sugars, also called monosaccharides, or double saccharide units, called disaccharides. We consume simple carbohydrates when we eat ordinary confectionery such as sugar bars, ice cream, pasta, pastries and candies.

Fitness and bodybuilders consider the calories obtained from simple carbohydrates to be empty. They have no special significance in the accumulation of mass.

They do not accumulate in our body as glycogen. Glycogen plays a major role in muscle function. It is known as a fuel for the muscles and without it they can not function at maximum level, no matter how much you load them.

It is filled with simple carbohydrates. If you overdo it with fast food and fizzy drinks, the results can be seen in a short period of time.

Simple carbohydrates
Simple carbohydrates

It is important to know that simple or fast carbohydrates raise insulin in the body. Your energy drops extremely fast after that. This automatically makes your body crave even more simple carbohydrates. Therefore, you begin to eat more food and an endless cycle of weight gain is formed.

You can get out of the addiction to simple carbohydrates only if you have healthy self-control. You need to keep track of the calories you eat. If they exceed the required amount, be sure to reduce them. For this purpose, it is good to consult a nutritionist.

There is a way to lose weight, even if you consume carbohydrates, but most experts advise you to avoid them. Simple carbohydrates are converted to fat much faster than complex ones.

Often the packaging of the products we buy says what the carbohydrate content is. However, traders do not indicate whether they are simple or complex. In this way we take in many times more carbohydrates than the body needs.
